![Cedar Park Martial Arts School Teaches Young Boys, Teenagers and Men the Importance of Respecting Girls and Women of all ages.](https://res.cloudinary.com/display97/image/upload/q_auto,fl_lossy,f_auto/c_scale,w_300/v1362515922/Shared/-192966.png)
With all of the reports of Sexual Misconduct streaming our airways, it is a great time for parents, especially fathers to discuss the importance of treating girls and women with respect. It seems today that every media outlet is discussing a senator, congressman, executive, actor, or a person of power using their influence to exploit women.
Master Gary Schill from Peak Performance Martial Arts in Cedar Park has worked with young boys and men from Cedar Park, Texas for more than 30 years teaching them how to be men of honor, integrity, and respect. This includes the importance of treating girls and women with respect.
People fail to realize that Martial Arts training is not just about fighting or physical self-defense. It is also about building Emotional, Mental, and Social skills to defend themselves against the daily onslaught of the social media bombardment facing our boy and young men today.
The music and messaging our young boys and men have been receiving for a long time is programming them to see their female counterparts in a negative light.
Working with children for more than 30 years Master Schill has seen behavior that would make most people cringe. Somewhere along the way, we have stopped teaching our boys how to be men. I am talking about a man that has strong Core Values. A man that is a leader in his community, a great husband, father, and friend.
We have somehow made it a bad thing to be a strong man. I see it every day in our schools where we want our boys to be soft and submissive.
Becoming a strong man is important for many reasons. Not to mention, that at some point in their lives, they will want to attract a mate, and if they are perceived as weak, then they will be less attractive to a potential suitor. If that suitor is of strong character and will, they will be passed over without thought regardless of how great of a person they may be. If the suitor has ill intentions, then they may take advantage of their lack of self-confidence to exploit the relationship in their favor. This will cause greater harm in the future to the confidence, self-esteem, and overall self-worth.
Below you will find just a few of the basic lessons we teach young boys in our Martial Arts Academy in Cedar Park in their journey to become outstanding young men and eventually great men of society.
Stand Tall: Just a simple lesson of standing tall, shoulder back, and making eye contact. With the advent of mobile devices, too many young boys walk around head down apprehensive about making eye contact.
Personal Hygiene: Another simple lesson that carries a great deal. Regardless of whether you like it or not, we are judged by how we look, dress, and of course, how we smell. Take the time to take a shower, dress to the occasion, and fix your hair. Too many times I see people show up for job interviews like they are going to the beach.
Shaking Hands: Outside of our appearance, shaking hands in the second indicator people use when judging you. If you shake hands like a limp fish, then you will be perceived as weak. If you shake hands like you are trying to crush a can, then you will be perceived as trying to overcompensate for something else. Teaching boys to shake hands while making eye contact is a skill that is not only important, it will make the difference between a positive or negative perception of an initial meeting.
Sometimes We Just Need to Listen: One of the hardest things for most men to learn is just how to listen. Due to our nature of programming to fix the problem, we sometimes miss the art of just listening. If your wife is complaining to you about how the kids acted or the way they were treated by someone at a store, sometimes, they just need to vent. So a great follow-up to their rant is a simple question? Are you venting, or do you want me to do something about it?
These are just a few of the many life lessons Peak Performance Martial Arts of Cedar Park teaches to young boys and men. If you want your boy to truly become a man of distinction, then call our offices at 512-918-8921, visit our website at www.PeakPerformanceMartialArts.com or come by our offices at 500 Brushy Creek Rd. Ste. 504, Cedar Park, Texas 78613