The Pitfalls of Reality Programming and What You Can
do to Protect Your Children from Emulating Negative Behavior
Hello, my name is Master Gary A. Schill; and I had the honor and pleasure of being a guest of Dr. Veronica’s on Tuesday, January 17, 2012, for the Reality Programming Show. There was a lot of great information shared by the guests and I wanted to provide some valuable resources to the listeners of the Dr. Veronica Show.
Social Media and Reality Programming are creating an Environmental Dynamic that we did not experience as children. As parents, we do not have the experience to proactively look out for the pitfalls created by these two genres.
There is this dire need to be accepted socially. To that point, there is also this programming that puts “Stars” on some kind of pedestal with the belief that if they are on television, they must know what they are talking about. It creates this false sense of reality that their behavior is acceptable regardless of the consequences
The growing challenge as parents and individuals is the constant connectivity. There are no privacy most teenagers and young adults have this sense that they are a Star in their reality television series. Many of them try to use YouTube, Facebook, and many other social media outlets to become discovered.
Our society is banking on how many friends or followers they have, paying little regard to whom they are friending. In addition, they pay little attention to the programming and the effects it has on them and their perception of reality to the type of behavior that is acceptable.
Most people have no clue about the negative effects their behavior can have until they are in the midst of a social attack. Our children frankly, cannot handle this type of situation. Yet as parents, we do little to prevent it. This is primarily due to the lack of experience we had as children as we did not deal with this. We cannot go to our children and tell them, “When I was your age and I had this problem on, (Facebook, YouTube, Texting, IM’ing, etc.) this is how I handled it.” Children do not understand that once they hit Send there is no getting the information back!
I have put together two FREE Reports just for the listeners of the Dr. Veronica Show. They are “The Top 5 Secrets to Defending Your Child from the Reality Programming Pitfalls”, and the “Top 5 Secrets to Predator Proofing Your Child.”
Please visit my and look for the blue block on the right side of the blue block that says, “Dr. Veronica Listeners Free Report” click on the block and follow the direction and it will come in your email.
Take some time and vest in your family's development. Be proactive in defending your children from the pitfalls of Reality Programming and Social Media. It will make a huge difference in their future confidence and self-esteem.
Master Gary A. Schill, is a Best Selling Author and Creator of the Parents as Coaches program. He has been featured on ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX, USA Today, and many more. He works with more than 25,000 children and families annually.